You wont believe 'He' is science !!
Science is all about truth. Yes, but who said its not. We have even made a remarkable footprint in history by introducing GOD particle.
But where is God?
As a result there is no explanation for this word. Even there is a famous fun talk that even, google cant find the answer for it. But jokes apart, the real search is still in everyone's heart.
What if some universal power called God, granted our expectations for true!
What if human pain, misery and trouble comes to an end in this human life?
What if we find that God exists and he can be seen?
There are communities of people who say there is no God. On the reverse there are groups which believe God's presence and supremacy. Various scriptures depict God was, has been, is and will be an indestructible force forever.
For all those who say there is no possibility of existence of God. I humbly remind you of scientist Thomas Alwa Edison whose statement for his colleague scientist who always protested there is no God, but only science and when he questioned edison, " how do you invent things? Where do you get materials for your inventions?". Our Edison replied, "it all happened just, that's it".
His colleague understood edison made fun and was not satisfied with his reply and so he again made his demand and urged edison continuously for the truth. And here is where the twist turned, the great scientist poked with his imperative sentence which came as follows,
"You say everything is science and all of a sudden the universe started. So if that is true, why not my inventions and materials be a sudden showup?"
His colleague turned speechless. Yes this proves nothing can start on its own. There is no creation without the creator. If there is a creation, there will be a creator. So ultimately the conclusion is,
"God exists"
In terms of science its clear,
"If there is creation, there should be a Creator"
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